Experts consider wellness insurance unaffordable i time it exceeds 10 per centum of annual income.
What the heck does this mean? The typical American spends to a greater extent than than a 3rd of income on housing. Does that brand housing unaffordable? Presumably not. What makes 10 per centum the magic threshold for wellness insurance but non for other categories of crucial spending? Who are these experts, as well as what measure utilise they role to induce upwardly one's heed what is affordable?
Probably what the sentence means is that people accept operate accustomed to spending less than 10 per centum of income on wellness insurance as well as are unhappy when they accept to pass more. But if healthcare costs operate on rise every bit a part of national income, every bit many economists believe they will, as well as then nosotros volition accept to conform our perceptions of what is affordable.
Addendum: The Times story, specially the graphic, suggests that the implicit marginal taxation charge per unit of measurement to a greater extent than or less people aspect upwardly nether the Affordable Care Act subsidies tin sack sometimes laissez passer on 100 percent. It is difficult to believe that the police line is thence badly written every bit to accept this feature, but that seems to be the implication. Sumber
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